Friday, February 20, 2015

Don’t Waste Your Marketing Dollars on People Who Have No Interest In A Car Yet!

Over the last decade most automobile dealerships at one time or another have used email marketing to reach out to more than just their own databases (DMS) of past customers. Success with email is based on several aspects that are very similar to direct mail and a few that allow it to be far superior in the cost-per-car delivered.

With email, the first and most important thing a dealer needs is an effective list. Most email marketing providers use legacy data meaning that the “hand-raisers” on the list wanting to buy a car most likely indicated this propensity six months or even a year or more ago. Stale data yields few results. Bona fide Auto Intenders are hand-raisers in a given market that legitimately want a vehicle and have indicated so no more than 30, 60 or 90 days ago.  Dealerships can see their cost-per-car range from as little as $102 – 200 by using the right type of list.

Next, with email, the message is very important and whether you are using an agency or creating your own messages, it is critical to keep it consistent across your multichannel pieces and don’t cookie cutter or chase a competitor’s cool idea. Today’s consumers desire legitimate information. Tell your story, but remember that your story is only important to them when it convinces them that you are there to help them. Less is more. Think in terms of Twitter rather than information-overload and have fun with it.

Then it is getting eyes on your message. With direct mail, this is getting the letter opened but in email, this is a two-pronged effort. First you need to get into the inbox instead of a spam or junk folder. Look for a list provider that has a send-score that is verified at over 95%. This means at least 95% of what you send will reach the inbox. If you have ever had a bad experience with email, it won’t surprise you that most providers in the industry average 40 – 50%.

Finally, but equally as important, comes the subject line. The subject line has to be compelling; have a sense of urgency. Spend time with your provider to come up with a few different but persuasive subject lines and test, test, test! This is where the rubber meets the road in email. To open or not to open; that is the elusive question.

Email is becoming more and more effective as consumers become more willing to receive sales information. But reaching the legitimate prospects is any dealer’s greatest marketing challenge.

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