Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Making the Most of your Postal Marketing Campaign

Despite what you might think with the rise of smart phones, tablets, and social media, postal marketing isn’t dead. It’s still a popular marketing tactics for many businesses, and when done correctly, can actually create strong response rates, and consequently great ROI. Sure, direct mail does get a bad rap for the rising cost of postage and supposedly disinterested consumers, but the problem is that far too many businesses who get involved with direct mail either aren’t basing their data off of the right info, or aren’t targeting the right consumers with their material. 

The definition of direct mail for lots of business just means sending a mass mailing to specific zip codes or broad demographics. In those cases, the average response rate usually hovers around 2-4%, compared to the .12% response rate for email marketing. However, because of email’s low cost, email marketing still provides a better ROI. For that reason, a lot of businesses forget about direct mail altogether because of one bad experience, or just keep wasting money on ineffective marketing and advertising strategies. But with the right data, response rates of direct marketing don’t have to stay that low. 

At Take5 Solutions, we specialize in creating highly-targeted lists for all forms of marketing, including direct mail.  With our new Flexible Inference Technology (FIT), we’re able to go even beyond that to give our clients the tools they need to get ahead of the competition. Using FIT, we’re able to collect in-depth information from social media users and match that consumer market behavior data back to our more than 360 million consumer records, including addresses. Because our information comes from opt-in users, we’re able to keep it maintained and updated so that data never goes stale. With FIT, you can target much more than a zip code with your direct mail. You can use dozens of different lifestyle triggers and spending behavior overlays to create an exceptionally targeted list that will produce optimal response rates. 

Want to learn more? Find out how Take5 Solutions can take your direct mail campaign to the next level here

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